What's New at Cameron - June Newsletter 2024
Posted on 06/05/2024

SCDSB Newsletter
June 2024

Days of Awareness 2023-24  www.scdsb.on.ca/about/equity_and_inclusion.

June 1-30 – Pride Month

June 16 – Father’s Day

June 21 – National Indigenous Peoples Day


From School Council


Our last school council meeting was held on Monday June 3rd @6pm in the library. We talked about recent and upcoming activities. We looked at our accomplishments throughout the year and discussed some things we would like to plan for next year. The first council meeting Fall will be on Monday September 23rd, all are welcome! 


Spring Fair


THANK YOU! to everyone that came out and had fun at the Spring Fair. It was an amazing night. Thank you to everyone that donated items to the Silent Auction and helped make the Classroom baskets so AMAZING!!! 



Thank you!

As we wind up the year, we want to take some time for a few Thank you's.

Thank you to the following:

  • Cameron Street Office Staff for all their support each week! 
  • Cameron Street Staff for all that they do for our kids every day and for their generosity and help throughout the year. 
  • Cameron Street Custodial Staff for all their assistance throughout the year. They are always so helpful!!
  • Steph Gardiner for the hours and hours of time and effort that she donates each week as the official Snack Shack Lady and Queen of the Backpacks. Steph is amazing! She orders and shops for all the food and scopes out the best deals. She makes sure that there is always  healthy food in the snack shack fridge and in the Pick Me Up Pantry.
  • Parents that volunteered to be part of school council and helped plan and run all the great events this year. (KM Club Fall, Pumpkin Stroll, Santa Claus Parade, Poinsettia Fundraiser, Make It Sow Fundraiser, Holiday FunRaiser, KM Club Spring & Spring Fair). None of these events would have happened without you.
  • A HUGE thank you to all the organizations that have helped support our Backpack Program this year:
    • Loblaws
    • Cobs Bread
    • FreshCo
    • Georgian Good Food Box
    • First Presbyterian Church
    • New Life Church
    • St. Vincent De Paul
    • Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church
  • Thank you to all the local businesses and families that donated items to the Pick Me Up Pantry and prizes for our Wellness Night and Spring Fair!

Have a great summer!!


Volunteer Appreciation

Volunteers are essential to Cameron Street Public school. We currently have 127 approved volunteers. These volunteers support school council initiatives, clubs and classrooms. They read with students, run our snack shack/backpack programs, collate materials, support on field trips and so much more.  To show our appreciation, we are inviting our volunteers to join our staff for light refreshments on Wednesday, June 19th from 10:30 – 11:30am. Volunteers are asked to rsvp if you are able to attend @CAMOffice or by calling (705) 445-2902.


June PA Day
Friday, June 7 is a PA Day for elementary SCDSB students, Thursday, June 27 is a PA Day for secondary SCDSB students, and Friday, June 28 is a PA Day for all SCDSB students. Please refer to the 2023-24 School Year Calendar on the SCDSB website for more information: www.scdsb.on.ca/elementary/planning_for_school/school_year_calendar.


Below is a summary of the activities planned for the June 7 PA Day:

Length: Full day

Topic: Evaluation and Reporting

Host: Simcoe County District School Board 

Presenters/Facilitators: Not applicable


Educators will be working to complete the second provincial report card which will reflect students’ achievement of curriculum expectations introduced and developed from February to June of the school year, as well as students’ development of the learning skills and work habits during that period. This process includes both evaluation and reporting.


Elementary report cards will go home to parents/guardians on Friday, June 21, 2024.



Below is a summary of the activities planned for the June 28 PA Day:

Length: Full day

Topic: Reflection and Planning

Host: Simcoe County District School Board 

Presenters/Facilitators: Not applicable


School teams will use this day to review data and reflect on progress towards the achievement of their 2023-24 School Action and Equity Plan goals. They will also complete end-of-year administrative tasks and prepare learning spaces for fall start-up.



Keep connected with our school and with the SCDSB
It’s important to get accurate information about what’s going on at your school and at the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB). Here are some ways to do that:

  • Sign up to receive SCDSB media releases by clicking the ‘Subscribe’ button at scdsb.on.ca.
  • Follow the SCDSB on Twitter (@SCDSB_Schools), Facebook (facebook.com/SCDSB) and Instagram (instagram.com/scdsb).


Shelter in place

SCDSB schools and worksites have established safety procedures which are in place to keep students and staff safe in emergency situations such as a shelter in place. A shelter in place is used when there is an environmental or weather-related situation, like a chemical spill outside the building, or a major storm. During a shelter in place, activities will continue inside the school, but students and staff will not be allowed to leave the building, including for bussing or pick-up by parent(s)/guardian(s).


It’s important for you to know that the safety of our students is our top priority. If you have any questions or concerns, as always, please contact the school.



Subscribe to Community Connects
The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is excited to launch Community Connects, a new bimonthly newsletter for the SCDSB community. Our shared goal with this new tool is to keep our community partners and stakeholders informed while nurturing relationships that are built on accountability, trust, and transparency.

To learn more and subscribe, visit the Community Connects page on the SCDSB website: www.scdsb.on.ca/community/community_connects.



Use of student information to transition from elementary to secondary
As students progress from elementary school to secondary school, important personal student information is shared which eases each student’s transition. Sharing this information also improves our ability to program effectively to benefit all students. The collection and use of personal student information for such purposes is authorized under the Education Act. Please note that all information used for the transition process is limited, secure, and protected at all times. Please contact Greg Jacobs, Superintendent of Education, if you would like more information about the transition process at Cameron Street Public School.

Communications survey

The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) and your child’s school communicate with you through a variety of methods. We want to ensure that you are receiving information in a timely and consistent manner and that you know where to access information relevant to your child’s education at the SCDSB. Please take a moment to complete this: https://www.research.net/r/SCDSBcommunication. Your feedback will help shape the communications strategy for the 2024-25 school year at the SCDSB.


The survey will be open from May 27 to June 14, 2024. Participation is voluntary and anonymous, as we are not collecting any names or contact information.


Registration now open for summer eLearning!  
Create flexibility in your timetable and earn a credit! The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is offering summer school eLearning courses in July 2024 for current high school students or adult learners who are interested in creating flexibility in their schedule, earning a new credit, or upgrading a previous mark. Students can advance online learning skills, earn missed credits, or fast-track preparation for graduation or post-secondary in just four weeks.  


Summer school program details can be found on the Learning Centres website at www.thelearningcentres.com/programs/summer_school 


The SCDSB also supports secondary students in participating in a variety of EDUTravel credit programs in July and August. EDUTravel programs are offered in a variety of destinations including Canada, USA, and Europe.  For more information including costs, destinations, credits, and dates of commitment, visit: www.edutravelforcredit.com 

Grade 8 students – register now for summer eLearning!
Earn a reach-ahead credit with summer eLearning in the SCDSB! The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is offering summer school eLearning courses in July 2024. Current Grade 8 students are invited to complete a reach-ahead credit, creating flexibility in their high school timetables! 

For summer 2024, courses available to students entering Grade 9 are: 


  • CGC1D - Issues in Canadian Geography
  • PAF1O - Healthy Living and Personal Fitness Activities
  • CHC2D - Grade 10 Academic - Canadian History since WWI
  • CHC2P - Grade 10 Applied - Canadian History since WWI
  • CHV2O/GLC2O – Civics/Careers


eLearning is fully supported by certified teachers who are available electronically daily. Summer school program details can be found on the Learning Centres website at www.thelearningcentres.com/programs/summer_school 



Before and after school programs for the 2024-25 school year

Register now for before and after school programs for the 2024-25 school year. Please contact the child care operator directly to discuss fees and to register. More information and contact numbers can be found at scdsb.on.ca/elementary/planning_for_school/childcare_before_after.

Licensed summer school age child care programs

Child care programs for children in Kindergarten to Grade 6 are provided by independent, third-party child care operators in some SCDSB schools. To support your child care needs, some operators offer child care over the summer holidays. Registration in advance is required. Please contact the child care operator directly to discuss fees and to register. More information and contact numbers can be found at scdsb.on.ca/elementary/planning_for_school/childcare_before_after.

Learn a new language for free with the SCDSB! 

Children in Grades 1-8 can learn to listen, speak, and write in a new language or extend their knowledge of their first language through the Simcoe County District School Board’s (SCDSB) International and Indigenous Languages Elementary Program. Offered virtually on Saturday mornings, the program includes 2.5 hours of instruction each week, at no cost. Languages offered are based on sufficient enrolment and instructor availability and may include Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, and Indigenous languages. 


To learn more and preregister for the program, visit www.thelearningcentres.com/programs/IILE. Program start dates will be established once minimum enrolment is reached. 

Kempenfelt Rotary Kids Fishing Day

The 24th annual Kempenfelt Rotary Kids Fishing Day will take place at Heritage Park on June 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Each child will receive a complementary fighting rod, bait, food, drinks, and a snow cone. For more information visit: letsfish.ca/.
Spend a fraction of your time on math!
New math problems, games, and activities are added to Math at Home monthly! Visit
www.scdsb.on.ca/MathatHome to find fun, engaging ways to support your child in learning math.

Looking for ways to continue supporting your child’s learning at home during the summer months? Visit Math at Home for summer learning inspiration and ideas throughout the summer too.

Mental health promotion strategy of the month - Gratitude Moment

Well-being is a Strategic Priority in the Simcoe County District School Board, and our mental health and well-being department provides monthly strategies to support student and family well-being.

This month’s strategy is Gratitude Moment. Viewing the world and relationships through a lens of gratitude can help children and youth intentionally notice the positive elements in their day and shift the balance towards optimism, even when facing a challenge. To practice Gratitude Moment at home, model to your child/youth how to express a gratitude. Explain what it means to be grateful or thankful. Share something you are thankful/grateful for as an example and in turn, have your child share something they are thankful/grateful for. Repeat this practise as often as you would like. Practicing Gratitude Moment can be done any time of the day or at regular times, such as at mealtime or before bed. Consider writing down the ideas and posting them in your home or creating a gratitude jar.


See School Mental Health Ontario’s (SMHO) social-emotional learning poster series (with audio) for a Gratitude Moment poster that can be used at home: smho-smso.ca/online-resources/easy-and-fun-mental-health-activities-for-home/.


Find more easy and fun mental health activities to do at home here: smho-smso.ca/online-resources/easy-and-fun-mental-health-activities-for-home/.


Follow the Mental Health and Well-being social media accounts (@SCDSB_MHWB) to see how well-being is being supported in our schools.

Sora summer reads
Sora Sweet Reads 2024 has begun and will run until August 26. This program is designed to encourage students to keep reading all year long. View a collection of free, simultaneous-use ebooks (and select audiobooks) that range from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Learn more: https://tinyurl.com/3bt3e8uv.

Homestay hosts needed for international education program

When international students are welcomed into SCDSB schools, our programs and community benefit, and local students get life-changing Canadian experiences that positively shape their world views. Without you, the SCDSB can't deliver this exciting program. You can help by inviting international students to stay with your family while they study in our community.


To support homestay families, the SCDSB has partnered with the Canada Homestay Network (CHN), a not-for-profit, family-run, Canadian business that's been a leader in homestay since 1995. CHN provides cultural and first-language support to hosts 24/7, and an allowance to help offset expenses.


 What you provide:

1. Access to nutritious meals and snacks

2. Utilities, internet, and laundry access

3. A private bedroom, desk, and closet

4. A patient, caring, and friendly Canadian family home atmosphere!


For more information about being a Canada Homestay Network host, please visit: whyihost.ca.

June cyber awareness topic: social media 

For the month of June, the cyber awareness topic is social media. It is important to be proactive to protect yourself from the potential dangers associated with social media. This month, ECNO has  provided practical tips to manage your mental health and well-being in relation to social media use.  


Access the ECNO Cyber Awareness Tip Sheet for June to stay informed about this month’s theme and explore additional resources: ecno.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ECNO-CAM-Calendar-23-Aug3023_SocialMedia.pdf.


Identify the signs

To quote the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), “too much tech and too little talk could delay communication development”. In collaboration with Screen Time Action Network, ASHA has developed a series of informative handouts for parents/guardians about healthy screen time habits for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers: identifythesigns.org/resources-for-families/.


Information provided by Speech-Language Pathologist, Early Identification & Education, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre

Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions

Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions is in need of foster care providers and fundraising support. Listen to a recent podcast discussing these topics: gnpmidhurst.com/b/jasmine-botter--lisette-gagne-of-simcoe-muskoka-family-connexions.


Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions actively works to eliminate systemic barriers and provide accommodations based on respecting the dignity of every person regardless of their identity. They believe in keeping children and youth in their community, circle of support, and geographic location when an alternative place of safety is required.


Contact [email protected] for any fundraising questions, or visit this page to inquire about fostering: familyconnexions.ca/contact/.


Information provided by Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions

Outdoor play

Active play does more than help kids to achieve the 60 minutes of physical activity they need every day, it supports their development in many ways – especially when the play is outdoors, self-directed, and fun. This allows kids to test boundaries and problem-solve, develop social skills and resolve conflict, and learn to control their emotions and behaviour. 


Active play outdoors in the fresh air and nature also helps to improve mood and lower stress. Support your child to play outside with friends in the neighbourhood and at your local park as much as possible.


For more information, visit www.simcoemuskokahealth.org.


Information provided by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit

Stay safe in the sun

It only takes one bad sunburn as a child to increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. Follow these sun safety tips to keep you and your family safe this summer:


  • Check the daily UV forecast. When the UV index is three or higher protect your skin as much as possible. Limit your time in the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. when harmful UV rays are present even on a cloudy day.
  • Cover up. Wear a wide brimmed hat that shades the face, neck, and ears and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes covering as much of the body as possible.
  • Use a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply a generous amount to uncovered skin. Reapply after swimming, sweating, or toweling off. Don’t forget a sunscreen lip balm.
  • Seek shade or bring your own.
  • Protect your eyes. Wear sunglasses or prescription eyeglasses with UV-protective lenses.


Avoid using tanning beds or deliberately trying to get a suntan and avoid getting a sunburn. Remember no tan is a safe tan! Use sources of vitamin D that are safer than exposing yourself to UV rays such as cow’s milk, fortified plant-based beverages, fatty fish like salmon and sardines, margarine, egg yolk, and fortified yogurt.


For more sun safety tips, visit www.simcoemuskokahealth.org or call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 to speak with a public health nurse.

Information provided by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit